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Keep It Flowing

best of the internet february


Western Art: Mark Maggiori, originally from France, fell in love with the Western landscape during a childhood trip across the country. His oil paints are gorgeous. His clouds look more real than actual clouds. I especially love his piece - "A Missing Horse

Best Netflix Sci-Fi Series: Travelers - this is a lot of fun to watch. Humans of the future (who are in really bad shape) figure out how to send their consciousness back to the 21st century with the intent to save the human race from our future downfall. Give it a try.

The Best Roasted Chicken Recipe: Buying an entire whole chicken is the cheapest and tastiest way to make a chicken dish. We use a cast iron dutch oven but you can use just about anything to bake it in. So simple and be sure to save the bones and leftover parts to make broth with!

Unplugging: Brendan Leonard has a way with words and puts in perspective the modern conflict we often feel with our phone. He also draws some pretty hilarious stuff.


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  • Bryant AuCoin
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