Dishwasher Safe & Waterproof Stickers
Found in brick-and-mortar stores.

We believe that small, local and independently owned and operated businesses are the lifeblood of America - especially small towns. We also think there is immense value for consumers getting out in the real world in shopping at these businesses.Because of this, we exclusively wholesale our products and do not offer online retail sales. If you'd like a local shop near you to stock our stickers so you can buy them, email us [[email protected]] their information or give them this website!We have over 100 designs to choose from, with new releases bi-monthly. If you’re a store owner or buyer, we’d love to chat. See below.

Wholesale Buyers
There are 2 ways to place your wholesale Sticker Art orders online. Use whichever way is best for you. We have bit more control over orders placed on our site however Faire offers lots of great benefits as well.1). Order from our Wholesale website:
Email us at [email protected] with your business name, physical address, and associated retail tax ID. We'll send you login details after that.2.) To order from Faire click here.[email protected]

How To Peel Our Stickers
We silkscreen print our designs on durable dishwasher safe outdoor vinyl and a thick paper backing - peeling the vinyl off isn't like like your typical crack and peel stickers.Instead of peeling the backing away from the sticker, you peel the sticker off the backing. Be patient, it's worth it!
1.) Hold the sticker so the design is facing you and pick a prominent corner if there is one.2.) Using the friction from your finger pad rub the sticker downward off the backing. You can also prick the vinyl away from the backing using your fingernail.If you have any issues email us! Thanks for the support.
[email protected]